THE MAILBAG   2000-2001
  • Interesting (and non x-rated) mail received will be posted here for all to consume.  Should you see your material here and not wish it to be posted, let me know and I'll take it down.
  • Additional email content can be found on the 'Biographic & Personal Info' page if that is the subject of the communication.
  • You can use your browser's "Find" feature (Cntrl + F) to search this page.
  • Last message received is posted at the top of the list.

  • Jeff Owens, ETN2(SS)

    31 Dec 2001
    Ted Storie
    Hey Jeff, Though I would write to inform you of something very important to veterans.  I have, since 65, had hospital insurance through my union and employer, but recently discovered the convenience of the VA hospitals.  I had found that getting appointments with private doctors can take months. I needed medical attention, so went to the VA hospital, signed up; got a picture ID, appointment, etc. since then I have had hernia surgery last March, and just today picked up two hearing aids.  I didn't realize how much I was missing. The cost of their services is very low, so even if you have private insurance, this is a benefit all honorable veterans should take advantage of. Also with the continuing budget cuts from the goverment, we need to support the VA in order to help keep the hospitals open so veterans don't have to travel long distances for serivce. Once again,  I urge all veterans to sign up.
    Thanks Ted Storie
    I discovered the same myself by accident about a year and a half ago. I was quite surprised because when I got out after 4 years in '69 we were debriefed on VA benefits then, and told there was only 120 days of coverage. Thereafter, you were entitled to nothing unless it was due to pre-existing condition recorded in your medical file.  Somewhere along the line things changed. 

    It's a great deal - only ten bucks copay for a visit. -Jeff]

    21 Dec 2001
    From: Earl Kelly

    Jeff; I was rated TME3 (3rd class). The "E" in TME was added after passing school for electric torpedoes. They were actually considered "special weapons" at that time. The E has probably been dropped since then.  I remember  Charley Odom, but as a torpedoman striker I had little personal contact. I am digging up any info I can and will forward ASAP. I have a shot of the original Sabalo enroute to Phila yard from Cramp shipyard. Will try to followup real soon. Thanks again for your good work. Merry Christmas. Earl Kelly
    20 Dec 2001
    Re: Johnson, Gerald A. "Jerry" USS SABALO - '57-'58 

    Mr. Jeff Owens, Please include the above name and email address on your "Sabalo Shipmates" list of crew members. I have found this website for my father (Jerry Johnson), and created a email address for him in hopes that he will be able to contact some ol' Navy buddies.

    17 Dec 2001
     I was on Sabalo back in 1968 for a few months and sailed on the WestPac cruise over to Japan.  I was delighted to see your web site and thought you would like having a copy of the brochure we handed out to civilians when we were tied-up at the Broadway pier.  So, please see the attached files.  I have a lot of photos of back when I was onboard including shots of when we were in drydock and in Hawaii and Japan (remember the Starlight bar in Yokosuka?!!).  However, they're currently in storage.  I'll forward them to you whenever I can dig them out.
        All the best,  John (Buck) L. Buchanan TM3, Carlsbad, California

    Subject:        Queen of the Sabalo
       Date:        Sun, 7 Oct 2001
      From:        "Art Clement"
    Seems like her name was something like Lu Lu Tohoo, know it was different??  Also thought she was dating Miller?  I was second, front row  in the photo.  I see Warren Johnny Kratz (TM), Wild Bill Mullis(ST), Bags(EN) is dancing with a gal in the back ground. Bunch of others but age has sure erased some of the names and changed the facts.
    We had one of the very best touch football teams in SUBPAC from 1960-62.
    Have lots of photos I took while aboard, will have to scan some and send them when I get time.
    Presently working as Marketing Manager for Holiday Retirement Properties in Arizona.
    Art Clement TMCS (SS) (DV) USN RET

    Date:        Fri, 5 Oct 2001
    From: Brian Ramsey  
    ...I missed the reunion because I signed off of the ship the morning of the 11th in norway and was supposed to fly out the next morning however that afternoon all flights were canceled and I spent 8 days in Tromso waiting for an airplane seat. then the airport was shut down because of fog and I had to spend another night in Copenhagen before finally getting back to USA - times are hard everywhere. take care, keep those cards and letters coming.
    Brian H. (Bo) Ramsey EN1(SS) Ret.

    Date:        Fri, 28 Sep 2001
      Hello, My name is James "Jim" Miller (EM3 SS).  I was onboard the USS Sabalo from late 1959 thru middle 1961.   I was on during the time of the "Queen" and am in two of the Group pictures.  (Sitting to left at table, and right forward on the brow) Please include me in future events. My Address is PO Box 860 Ingleside, Tx 78362.  Telephone is (361) 776-7146. 

    Subject:        Fred Holley
       Date:        Thu, 20 Sep 2001  

    This goes out to pretty much all his addresses -- for those few that don't know -- Fred lost his fight with cancer last Tuesday [18 Sep 2001] evening ---- there will be a memorial service Monday  the 24th at the Roseburg National Cemetery -- off Harvard -- it will be short and casual -- just how Fred would have liked it -- if you can attend that would be wonderful and if not just lift a toast to him the next time you think of him.  He will be missed but I know there are a bunch of people out there that will hold him in their hearts.  My email is  please keep in touch.  Robin Holley

       Date:        16 Sep 2001
      From:        Pete OUELLETTE 

    Can't believe that after 35 yrs of waiting for a reunion with my buddies, friends and comrades, that some asshole who views camels as sex objects screwed it all up!!

    Truly sorry that I was not able to see you all, but  am willing to try for this another time. It 's been nice to hear from some of you via email or phone and to know that you're doing well.  Please keep in touch if possible . . . 508-238-7302

    I hope that none of you had family or friends who were lost in Tuesday's attacks.  We thought of you all and wondered if any were stranded en route.  When it  became apparent that no planes were going to get out of  Boston this week, Rita and I took our  boy (Charlie  11yrs.) out of school and headed to Maine for a few days . . . funny how quickly priorities can change.

    With powder dry and Flag flying . . .

    Subject: Herbert B. Harris-Warren
    Date:        Tue, 04 Sep 2001
    From:        Richards, Roger T DR NPRI   RichardsRTatSignNpt.NUWC.Navy.Mil
         Herbert B Harris-Warren was my father-in-law (or would have been if he had lived longer).  Never met the man, so finding your web site was nice.  It would be great to find a shipmate or two who could share some sea stories.  He left a fair size family in Groton CT, but most of the kids were too young to remember much of his Navy career.  My wife was the oldest (of six)and was only about 10 when he retired.
         Best I can tell from your list he must have served under CO Savadkin.  The family remembers a "guppy" conversion, but not which boat.  This seems to fit what you have for the USS Sabalo in the 51-53 time frame.  That is when they were living in HI. Your list hints that you have contact info for Larry Savadkin; if so please send him my email, etc.  I'd enjoy hearing from him.
         One tidbit you may want:  H.B. Harris-Warren authored the book "Dive! The Story of an Atomic Submarine" published by Harper in NY, 1960, and aimed at getting youngsters (~ Jr High) interested in the silent service.
         I'll take better notes next family gathering! ...and get you a better bio!   Regards, Roger

    -----Original Message-----
    > LT Herbert B Harris-Warren's home town was Groton, CT; he retired with the rank of CDR in 1960, answered the call to final patrol 1 Oct 1972, and was interred at Arlington. He served as CO of SS320, the Bergall after leaving the Sabalo.
    > -Roger
    > Naval Undersea Warfare Center
    > Code 2131, Bldg. 1170, Rm. 113
    > 1176 Howell St
    > Newport, RI 02841-1708
    > Phone: (401)832-5092
    > FAX:   (401)832-6401
    > email:

       Date:        Sun, 2 Sep 2001
      From:        Harry Lute
                        Hi Jeff,           Thank you very much for the phone call, and above all thanks for the web page. You have done a wonderful job. I have often wondered about the Sabalo and the shipmates I used to pal around with. You have brought back a flood of old memories. Goldi F. Baber EN 3, Edwin C. Keich EN 2, Robert L. Robinson EN 1, were all my bosses in the forward engine rm. Ernest L. "Cat" Abbott was an electrician's mate and worked in the Maneuvering Rm. Lyle "Redymix" Vanbuskirk was a cook, and run around with our crowd. James A. Lamb SN, Ralph L." Red dog" Yaden, were from the Fwd. Torpedo Rm, and we were all friends. James H. Boyd FN, Harold J. Irvin EN3  and myself were all close as we stood the same watch. Boyd came from Geneva Ohio, we used to send xmas cards but finally lost touch, did hear he was on the ore boats on the lakes, but that has been years ago. Irvin became a Colusa Co. Deputy Sheriff, and I did get to see and talk to him occasionally when I was in his area. I was a Log Truck driver for almost 41 years, once in a while during the winter months I would run long line and haul lumber to Los Angeles to stay busy. I have been here in Mendocino Co. for about 26 years.
         About 2 1/2 weeks ago was was watching the History channel on T.V. and got to see Lawerence "Larry" Savadkin LCDR. He was the C.O. when I was on the Sabalo. Edgar L. "Shakey Jake" Lewis GMC (SS), was Chief Of the Boat. Boy, was he a character, real likeable tho.
              Guess I have rattled on about long enough for this time. I did recognize some of the guys in the photos but so far couldn't put a name to them. I have a photo album some where around here and I'll get busy and get you some pictures for the web page.      So long for now,   James H. "Harry" Lute  P.S. I qualified on the Sabalo in 1952

    Date:        Sat, 1 Sep 2001
    From:        Bob Dergan
      I was a Scream'in-Seaman on the Deck Gang with Keenis Fugate & his Fender guitar; later RM3 thru Westpac tour.  Great memories in Honolulu with Hydock & Labrache using our new invention - the "AQUA LUNG" - around Hawaii before it became a State.  Diesel Boats Forever.     

    Date:        Tue, 28 Aug 2001
    From:        Cliff Franks
     I was aboard Sabalo from May 1955 to August 1958 as a QM3.  I remember Dutch Schultz and Keenis Fugate.  QMC LeVine and QM2 Cahoon are names I remember well.  I retired as a LCDR in 1978.  I wish I could join you but just got word and lead time is too short.  I saw Sabalo mentioned in American Submariner, Number 2001-03.   Want to keep in touch though. I have two emails, the one on this msg and   Oh yeah I remember
    Arlan Boyd also. Can you put me in touch with the guys I've mentioned (underlined).  The C.O. was LCDR Bill Masek when I was aboard. Thanks,  Cliff Franks,USSVI   5281 W Peridot Street, Tucson, AZ 85742-9419

     Date:         Tue, 24 Jul 2001
        From:  George Porter  
    I just finished enjoying at least part of your excellent web page on the Sabalo.

    I served on the Sabalo during the summer of 1959 as a midshipman (mostly useless as far as submariners go) but did go on to serve as an officer aboard the Tiru (SS 416) in the early 60's.

    As a historical note, I recall a major awards/medal ceremony aboard the Sabalo that summer where the captain (Masek) was presented some sort of medal and perhaps the crew or some crew members were also decorated at that time.  I later learned from the officer who had been Sabalo's X.O. at that time that the award(s) were for something important the boat had done during a previous special ops.  I think it was in the Kamchatka area.
    [Anyone have any details to add to this? - Jeff Owens]

    I also have an 8x10 glossy photo of the excellent Sabalo meets sail (Chilean navy training sailing ship) which is signed by Captain Masek.

    I enjoyed reading your information about the ship -- do you know of any links to the USS TIRU (SS 416)?

    Date:        Tue, 10 Jul 2001
    From:        "Theodore Storie" 

    Hey Jeff, Just wanted to say what a good job you are doing with the web page, saw a new entry in the roster, an old shipmate of mine, Pete Oullette, contacted him and have been exchanging old sea stories. I purchased a scanner today, and as soon as I get the hang of it, I will be forwarding some pictures to you 63 to 65, don't remember the names on them but after you put them on site, sure someone will be able to name them.

    Subject: Stickleback
    Date:      Fri, 29 Jun 2001
    From:     Jim Johnson

    Thanks for all the info on the Stickleback. I was on the second commissioning crew at Mare Island and served on her for about 18 mo's prior to being discharged. She was a very good boat with a good crew. As you probably know, the initial crew came from the Cabezon SS 334 which was being decommissioned. I think the only crewmember that I knew from the Cabezon at the time of the collision was a fellow by the name of Dan Mungerson. I did talk with a fellow who was in the forward engine room at the time of the collision. Most of the comments I've read and heard relative to what caused the accident are pretty much what I had heard. Apparently they had just made a run on the Silverstein and were going deep with a pretty good down angle when one of the main breakers blew and they lost power. This put them in an emergency surface situation and unfortunately they broached right in the path of the Silverstein which was in the attack mode at flank speed. The collision was indeed on the port side and in the hydraulic manifold area.
    Jim J.

    Date:        Tue, 19 Jun 2001
    From:        Bill Crain

    Jeff, In answer to your question about the time I was on the 302 the answer is Jan 60 until Dec 62 I think. I transferred to the Medregal but I can remember when. Know I got out in Nov.63. I recognize all the people in the "Queen of the Sabalo" picture that Earl sent. I'm in that picture end of the table (Four to the right of Alley) with my head cocked (Must have been tired). As I said I recognize all of them, but dam if the names come back to me. The more I check in with your web page the better my memory gets. I now remember who Earl is.
    Keep up the great work - at my age these memories now become very important.

         Date:           Sun, 17 Jun 2001
         From:           James Robertson

    The wespac in 1970 we hit every port we could get to..They called it a map cruse. We went into the combat zone 3 times..just for a few days so we could get 1 months advance pay tax free. Our overseas home port was Subic..we caused alot of trouble in Okinawa so we were asked to go to Subic. The leading cook was Tony Parra.  I was the only other cook. We went to Japan of course..Yokusuka, Sasabo, Subic, Langley Point I think was one of the ports, Kaohshuing, Keelung in Taiwan, Bangkok, and one other port before that but I don't remember the name. Zamboanga PI, Seoul & Yang Po Ri RK, Hong Kong and of course Guam and Hawaii. Oh yes, we got into trouble in Hong Kong, a few British nurses came on board to take blood, and they gave us several bottles of rum, and we kinda, well we made them exit from the after battery hatch. They were wearing short skirts and the head nurse caught us and complained to the British authorities. On our trips to the combat zone we would take recon marines near the border of North Viet Nam and drop them off, and sometimes we would pick them up.  I remember we were chased by a North Korean gun boat, we got away. Other than that not much happened...
    Rev. James H. Robertson

    Date:        Sat, 16 Jun 2001
    From:       Lawrence P Fugate

    I have been looking for info about the Sabalo for quite some time now. My father served on it from 1955 till 1959. You should have seen the look on his face when I stumbled on to your site. I think he made me look through every article and photo you have on there.  He saw some crew men he served with in your mail bag.

    My father was very excited to see you are organizing a reunion. I think he is going to try and attend. Nothing for sure yet because he is having orthoscopic surgey on his knee in 2 weeks, have to see how things go first. He now resides in northern Indiana, around the Ft. Wayne area, and it is not that far of a drive for him to go.

    I greatly appreciate the site you have developed here

    My father's name is Keenis Fugate, served 1955 till 1959, TM3; says he has a lot of pictures stashed somewhere of the members and of the Sabalo, and some of the rescue of the Stickleback.  Finding them might be a large task, I will crack the whip on him to get them found, unless he cracks me first, L.O.L.

    Date:        Sun, 10 Jun 2001
    From:        SamColeman 
       Hi Jeff,
      Glad to hear from you.  As you can tell, you have the right email address. Nice to know that quite a few of us old duffers are still kicking around. Health on this end is still good and going strong.  You might want to publish my email on the roster sheet, then maybe I will hear from someone once in awhile, but then who would have thought a cook could type or learn to use a puter.  Actually have become quite proficient.
     Let me know how you are doing once in awhile and I will stay in touch also. Don't know about the bash yet but will decide soon.

         Date:           Sun, 3 Jun 2001
         From:           Howell Rice
        In taking the sabalo through the conversion [1952 snorkel install] I figured I would stay on her until I retired, so I worked to get things done that would make the radio room a good place to work in.  Everything I wanted the navy yard approved and I set up a electro plating outfit in the head on the barge, and the crew did a bang up job in electroplating.  Does anyone remember that while we were under conversion?
    Anyway my Crypto card got me transfered to the Sperry.  Keep in touch.
    Howell (Howie) B.Rice

    Date:        Sun, 3 Jun 2001

    Operated with Sabalo 1959-63 while on USS Gudgeon SS 567, Pearl.  Looking for old boat sailors from our time.   Any info will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks and good luck!
    Daniel K. Washeck

    Date:        Wed, 23 May 2001
    From:        John Woods

    Jeff - Thanks for passing this info on to me and thank you for your interest in getting this thing off the ground.  I would very much like to attend a Sabalo reunion.  So, you can put my name down as a yes.  Of course this is tentative as who knows what might transpire between now and Sept.  Please keep me updated.  I spent a lot of time in the bilges of the 302 tracing out
    systems.  She was my first boat and I still have fond memories.  Will look forward to hearing more from you on the reunion.


    Date:           Wed, 23 May 2001
    From:           Frank McCoy

    My wife and I certainly will try to make it. However, the reunion dates conflict somewhat with my forty-fifth high school reunion and the Croaker's which is being held in Buffalo (not sure of the date). As you said, Peoria isn't exactly a hot spot of interest (also Duluth). We both still labor for pay (work) so I'm not sure if we can take the same time off for over a week or two. I'll let you know ASAP. Sabalo is special to me, I made Chief on it in 67.

    Date:        Wed, 9 May 2001
    From:        Ron Gorence

    Just spoke to Harold Losby-  (COB)  in Florida.  Remember "Honeybee"? Buzzing around gathering data on everyone?  Could remember my kids' names after thirty years.  HB is interested in a Sabalo reunion in Peoria, and plans to attend the SSVII.  He doesn't use the internet, so I volunteered to keep him posted, and I'll keep an eye on your site. Sadly, he brought a tear to my eyes: Max Moon, Morgan and Stetler are all gone.  Our lives were in good hands when they were on watch, and we'll never meet better men: embodiments of the word "Shipmate". On a happier note, I intend to copy your latest crew list and send it to him snail-mail, and if anyone can fill in missing info, it will be him.

    HB also asked me if I'd kept any of the pictures I took on one of the Wes-Pac trips (66-70 ?? -  remember the cruise book?).  In the interest of privacy, I promised to destroy all snapshots when the book was complete, and suffering from uncontrollable honesty, I did.  These records of both the innocent and the guilty are all gone.  I remember flashing a thousand pictures with no film just to keep the b-girls from feeling left out.  God, what a mosaic I have in my brain. Am wrestling with the reunion myself.  Sort of like spending a thousand dollars for a week-end in the Starlight   - without girls. Long way from Calif, and don't know if bride of 37 years could get enthused over diesel greybeards arguing trim-and-drain.  The mention of a casino in Peoria (where the $%&@@! is Peoria?) may interest her.  I also still smoke the pipe, which is much worse than having VD these days. I'll keep you posted.  Thanx again for the site.
    Best, Ron Gorence

       Date:        Sat, 28 Apr 2001
      From:        "Pete Ruden" 

    Just went back through the mailbag & it reminded me of an old shipmate & a few sea stories.  One of the people I worked for in the forward engineroom was EN1(SS) Perry Alley.  Alley was a great engineman & mentor to the troops that worked for him.  He had some interesting tattoos - Engineman gear on the top of his head - eyeball on the back of his head that looked at you if he tilted his whitehat forward - two pigs making more pigs on his back.  There were many other characters on board.  I will try to jog my memory & pass some stories along to you & our shipmates.  Red Padgett shipped over while we were in Yokosuka.  He borrowed my AWOL bag & went on leave in town.  As I remember he converted all of his shipping over pay to Yen, put it in my AWOL bag & carried it from bar to bar on Honcho Street making donations.  I think that it took him a week to run out of cash.  I visited with Red &! ; his wife in New London over Christmas holiday leave from First Class Diving School in 1965.  Jeff, you know it's hell to get old - I can't remember anything anymore.  When I was on Sabalo I could
    remember everything about the boat & all the associated equipment.  Well, enough rambling for one night.  I wish I had kept a diary of all the sea stories I heard in the Navy - I could have written a book about all the interesting folks I met.  Tell Turkeyneck that I haven't forgotten him.  I  have a few good sea stories about working for him in the A-Gang.

    Take care & keep up the good work,  --- Pete Ruden

    Date:        Sun, 15 Apr 2001
    From:        "Follo, David B
             I've been looking over the Sabalo webpage and it looks great. I was on board only a few months. At the time I was boat hopper as long as the boat was going to westpac I wanted to go. I was a TM1(SS) on the '68-'69 Wespac. I had the FTR and "DOBIE" Grey was in the ATR. Bob McKnight was the TMC and Harold Losby was the COB. I made TMC in April '69 along with Max Moon who made ICC. I transferred to USS Medregal (SS480) when we returned to San Diego. I still remember lots of the names I'm seeing on the website and hope to see some of them in Peoria this Sep.

    Dave Follo, TMCM(SS) USN RET.

    Date:        Sun, 25 Mar 2001
      From:        Murray Craig 

      I was on board Sabalo from [Feb63-Nov66].  At Hunter's Point I went on board as seaman apprentice, and got off TM2 SS/DV 2nd.  Did 3 wespacs to Viet Nam.  Last wespac was cut short I believe was due to us getting the "E" .  We were sent to San Diego where we fired two live torpedo's at an old tin can.  Both fish hit the target.  Only live fish's I know of that where fired while I was in the service. [Not likely - Jeff]  Have some pictures of the firing.

    To Doc Davis: I was the torpdomen that got hit twice from a torpedo that got loose while disarming it coming off station in Viet Nam.

    The first wespac to Viet Nam, we got the expeditionary service medal, later turned it down for Viet Nam Service Medal.
    [See the medals page about the criteria for these two medals.]

    We spent most of are time off the coast of  North Viet Nam and lower China.  We even got depth charged by China.  [They] found out six moths later we was up some river or harbor of theirs.

    Lots of stories. I  was on the Sabalo when it came out dry dock at Hunter's Point.  Our test dive went hay wire. Popped scews out of after escape hatch and  flooded after torpedo room. Myself and 1st class torpeodmen by the name of Domiquez locked ourselves in and then filled the compartment with high pressure air to stop flooding.

    I am a sheriff's deputy working in corrections for Chelan Co. - 15 yrs service.    Love to touch bases with any of the old gang.  Barker was the CO.  He made full commander  while I was on board.
     Murray J. Craig,   2609 Austin Ct.,   Wenatchee, WA  98801

     Date:        Wed, 21 Mar 2001
      From:        Earl Meggison

    Hi Jeff,
    Thanks for the opportunity to regain some very fond memories...
    Again, my name is Earl Meggison and I went aboard the Sabalo around November 1959 and left in August 1962. I caught the boat as it left for Yokosuka, Japan on a "Northern Run"... Today, I am a retired, General Manager from AT&T Co. and living near Orlando, Fl. - 142 Titan Drive, Davenport, Fl. 33837 and a member of the National Sub Vets and Local "Tang Base" (Pinellas Park, Fl.)Submarine Veterans.My son, Earl Jr. also served on the boats - 12-years on the Lapon out of Norfolk,Va.

    I have a picture of twenty-five guys from the Sabalo, during a ship's party in Hawaii. It must be around 1960, becaus Dutch Schultz is in it. I will make copies and send it to you so we can place names on the many forgotten faces. I really miss those guys.I turned eighteen years old aboard the boat and the guys made sure I celebrated at the Kanko Hotel, when we had our
    ship's party in Yokosuka, after the Northern Run (57-days).  I'll start working on the names for you too... Like "Stan Kulsa". FT3SS, was on the boat from 1960 - 1962. He married a Navy Wave when we got back to Pearl. I remember the Chief ET aboard, his last name was "Kirk".  "Bruce Rabidou's" home address was 33 Concord, New Hampshire. Our cook's
    nickname was "Bucketts" (I'll work on his given name)and I remember seeing "Red" Padgett, TMSN in Key West around 1975, aboard the Sea Cat. I believe he made Chief Torpedoman.  Thanks again for use of your great web-site and I will continue to work on the sailing list for you.


       Date:        Tue, 20 Mar 2001
      From:        Earl Meggison

    Hi Jeff!
    Found your site while looking up my "Boats" name...Would you please add my name to the Sabalo's roster:
    Earl Meggison, ETN3SS, Qualified on the Sabalo in June 1960, while on a West Pac Cruise. I served with "Dutch Schultz" and another ET,named "Elisinger",  Our Chief of the Boat was "George Fedon" and our Exec. was Lt.Cmdr. Roubish
    and the Captain's name  was "Artie Burkie". I believe I have some pictures of the crew during our "Ship's party" in Japan and will try and make you a set.

    Subject:        Thansgiving Dinner 1958
       Date:        Mon, 19 Mar 2001
      From:        "Kenneth W. Sanderlin" 

    > Ken,
    > Dutch Schultz sent a menu from Thanksgiving '58.  I have posted the list of crew members that was on the souvenir menu.
    > There was a Woodhead, D.A. ICFN would this be the same man as Woody Woodhead, who you identified as STSN?
    > Jeff
          I remember that T-giving dinner WELL!  We were sitting just off shore from Siberia and had a dinner like most of us (especially us youngsters) had never seen the likes of.

    As for Woodhead:  He might have been an IC type.  I seem to recall Sonarman but than that was forty years ago.  My ... memory may have lost some clarity.

    Date:        Sun, 18 Mar 2001
    From:       William (Bill) Crain QM3 (SS)

    Served on the Sabalo from 11-59 until 10-61 tranfered to the Medregal SS380 10-61 until 10-63. Best Friend Was Bill Coon QM2 (SS) Have no idea where he is now.

    Date:        Mon, 5 Mar 2001
    From:        Ronald Shea

    Dear Jeff..
    I've spent most of the day looking over your sight, very interesting, brought back many memories.  I went aboard about the first of August 1958, Fresh from Sub School, 17 Years old.  We got underway for westpac within only a couple of days,   I was RMSN at the time, The strangest group I'd ever met.  We were out about 85 days, then pulled in to Yokosuka,  Quite a change from Denver,Co..  I was ahead in Quals by two months, so the COB let me go over with everyone else.  Probably the first person I remembered was Walter Mahn TM1, I started my Qualification in the fwd torpedo room under his direction.....I remember stepping thru the hatch, with a pad and pencil and looking for the foreward most part of the 225 lb.air system........There hanging by one arm from the bridal sweet, and scrathing under the other like a chimp, while looking in the mirror over the fold down sink,was Walter...only one of the many guys I will always be proud to say I served with.

    You were talking about the SS2, it was onboard when I arrived. I had maneuvering watch on the radar for the second year I was onboard,  I seem to remember putting spare tubes in a compartment with a door on the front of the unit about belt high.  It never seemed to be very accurate, they would call down, 'what's the bearing to?'.......and there wasn"t anything there.  Always was glad we had lookouts.  The lead PO was Jesse Wiles, RM1(SS),  a second class named Rudolph.  About all I can remember about Rudolph was he had a #10 by the TBL because he got sick the minute they called down '#1"s aboard'.   I spent almost nine years on the boats, and never worked for a better man than Jesse. 

    The most unforgetable character that ever walked the decks was Dergan.  He was onboard when I arrived, and from what I understood he just decided to be a radioman, and that's about all you could say.  He didn't go to school - just picked it up on his own.  Undoubtedly the most talented person I've ever met. Could quote the PiedPiper of Hamlet word for word; used to break into it when the projector would break down.  I recall one day he came back to the boat with a saxaphone.  I asked him why.."always wanted to learn."  Three days later he was playing Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White, like Perez Prado.  Captain Burki tried to get him to go to OCS............; he just wanted to..... "Ride in the back"..

    Ron Shea RM2(SS)  58-61

       Date:        Sun, 4 Mar 2001
      From:        Pete Ruden

    Just got through looking at the Sabalo website.  You have done a great job.  Sure brings back a lot of fond memories.  When you update the roster, I have moved to Napa, CA.  I would like to hear from any of the old crew from 60-61 timeframe.  I picked up Sabalo in Yokosuka just as she was starting her WesPac Cruise.  The picture you have of Sabalo with a square-rigger is real. ...  Obviously Diamondhead in the background before the Japanese built all the skyscrapers.  Picture was shot from a Navy helo sometime in 60-61.  I will try to fill in as many gray areas as possible regarding the time I was onboard.  Keep up the great work.
    If any of the old crew get out to N. CA please look me up.
    Take care shipmate,

       Date:        Sun, 4 Mar 2001

    This is from Suzy Schisler--wife of Harry C. Schisler.
    I tried to send word to Palmer but it was returned. My sweet husband died January 11, 2001.
    The world has lost an outstanding man.  People stood in line for 2 hours at the funeral home.  The nature center he volunteered at for 15 years was ordered by the county executive to fly the flag at half staff.  He had a Navy honor guard at the veterans' cemetery.

       Date:        Sun, 4 Mar 2001
      From:        Bob Jordan

    We reported to Cramp Shipyard in Camden, New Jersey. It was the end of 1944. I'm 74 now and my memory is vague.
    We put her in commission and proceeded to Panama on our way to Pearl Harbor. The Sabalo leaked like a sieve when we dove after going through the locks. We were ordered back to Groton Connecticut to Electric Boat. We were there when the war ended.
    I was a stewardsman on board (TN). The steward in charge was Charles Blanco who has since passed away.
    I left the Sabalo and since have served on USS Toro(SS422); Flyingfish (SS229); Appolo AS25; Odax (SS484); Medregal (SS480); Croaker (SSK246); Alexander Hamilton (SSBN617); Blenny (SS320).
    The Steward rate was changed as well as the old commisary rate.  All food handlers were assigned the rating Mess Specialist. Thus I became  Chief Mess Specialist (MSCSS)
    I will try to find the commisioning program with the crew's names on it.

    Bob Jordan

    Subject:           Dolphin Club
         Date:           Sat, 03 Mar 2001

    > Located at 43 S. Beretania St. Honolulu. The owners were Carl Vianelli and
    > Benny Nary and I can still taste that lousy "Lucky Lager" beer which was all
    > that was available at the time... I still have a card from the place.
    >  Dick [Richard Lamy]
    [Image of card]

       Date:        Sun, 18 Feb 2001
      From:        "Woodrow" 

    Hi Jeff,
    Me again. Had a couple of brain farts when I e-mailed you before. Was on the boat from Jan 67 'til Nov 68.
    Sarmiento wasn't my lead man. If I'm not mistaken, he was an IC electrician and made chief before I left the boat. The 1st guy I worked for was Ramsey (El Gato) the only Navy boxer I remember serving with. Apolonario (sp?) Reyes was aux lead man
    when I got out. Jonn Baker & I filled out the rest of the crew.

    Wayne Hachey is living in New Salem, Ma. now. Talked with him last fall. That guy did some traveling I'll tell ya. Did a lot of long motorcycle trips over the years.

    As I said before, I'll get off my dead ass & try to get some stuff together for you.  Every day I can think of more  things that I've managed to hold onto over the years. I've even got my original "ditty bag" from boot camp.
    Thanks again for all your efforts. Will do my best to help you dig up old info.
    Take her down.
    "Sandy" [Chris Sanborn]

       Date:        Wed, 21 Feb 2001
      From:        Robert Bartsch

    Jeff:  Finally had a chance to review the material you had put on the website. Really don't have much to add as Jim Palmer supplied you with the information concerning the WesPac trip and our involvement in the Korean War. Some things that do come to mind is that the motors had to be worked on in Yokusaka after the return and the EM Joe Russo was a real "slave driver" for those Japanese yard worker. He had them head down and ass up all the time. Another memory is that on our way back to Pearl we dodged a typhoon and pulled into Okinawa for a few days and one helluva of a beer bust softball game. If memory serves me correctly, the COB, Shaky Jake Lewis, came up on deck as we were docking in Pearl in an Oriental costume and the sounds of Japanese music was blaring. You might want to get some confirmation on those facts from Palmer or someone. As for the Dolphin Club, I thought it was on Beretania Street, I do know it wasn't on Hotel Street.  Keep up the good work and if I can help let me know. Sure hope we can get a reunion together at the next convention.

    Date:  Thu, 22 Feb 2001
    From:  Jeffrey Owens

    Robert Bartsch wrote:
    > Really don't have much to add as Jim Palmer supplied you with the information concerning the WesPac trip and our involvement in the  Korean War.

    Jim's article <> verified what I had found on a couple websites which was only a vague reference to Sabalo's Korean record.  What I would like to see recorded for posterity, and curious readers, is the actual nature of Sabalo activities during that patrol.  If it was merely cruising up and down the Sea of Japan, then that is just as important to record as that she might have been involved with pilot rescue, or some other more exciting evolution.

    What did happen during her patrol?

    > As for the Dolphin Club, I thought it was on Beretania Street, I do know it  wasn't on Hotel Street.

    Right, it was Hotel Street that was affectionately known as 'Shit Street'.  Not being Pearl based when I was on board, it was not a familiar hangout.  Thanks for jogging the memory.  Jeff

    Robert Bartsch wrote:
    > Jeff:  Correction to a "brain fart".  The EM who worked the yard workers  was Joe Russen. Went down the current list of names you have on the
    > roster and it brought back many that I never would have thought of  without the names appearing first. Bob

    This is precisely why it is important for all crew members to respond with any memory, so that it can be posted on the web site to jog the memory of others to help expand the list and include as many men as possible.

    Thanks for your contribution, and keep the memories coming.  Jeff

       Date:        Thu, 15 Feb 2001
      From:        "Woodrow" 

    Hey "O",
    How's the thumb?
    Can't believe there is actually a site for the old pig boat! What a nice surprise to see you & the BIG "O", Loz, Warhead Willie, Frog, Bake, Doc, Derbigny, Arndt, Hachey, Pete, Froggie.... the list seems endless.
    I was in the "aux" gang with John Baker & Sarmiento. Caught the boat just before you on 7 Jan 67; Hunters Point in 'Frisco.
    Shake down up to Port Angeles, Washington. Had the Indians coming off the reservation at that place! Remember Augie going headfirst into that cold assed water. Had a couple too many & either fell off the brow or just went over the side.
    Man, I've got more stories. My typing is slower than the 2nd coming, so I'm gonna pull the plug & get outta here.  Somewhere in my old Navy junk, there's a little note book with some dates & ports of call that might fill in some holes. Didn't keep it for the 2 years I was on board, but it should help some. Also have some pictures. I'm gonna get a scanner soon so I'll burn off some copies to you.  Got one of "Sea Pig" Ed Senter on shark watch with an M-1. He's a few stories fo sure!  Thanks for all your efforts. Brought back some of the best & proudest moments in my life.
    Take her down.
    Chris "Sandy" Sanborn  EN3 SS/DV   living in South China, Maine

       Date:        Wed, 14 Feb 2001
      From:        "Jim Gellett"

        I was on the boat for a short time in 1962 I was an RM3 (SS) and was awaiting one of the g boats to get in. I was only on board about 30 days.

    Date:        Tue, 13 Feb 2001
    From:        Raymond C. Boswell

    I was onboard the Sabalo from 6-1-51 till 9-10-53 when I was transfered to the Nautilus.

    The Exec was a Lt. H.B. Harris-Warren and the Engineer or Gunnery Officer was a fellow by the name of Mafeno or something like that. P.G. Watkins may remember his full name.

    There  are a lot of tales about the Sabalo.  Like when we had to put on whites for the evening meal or put on white hats to see the movie topside at night.  And another about throwing potatoes at windows or at small boats.

       Date:        Mon, 12 Feb 2001
      From:        James Robertson

    I was on board the Sabalo 69-70. I was James H. Robertson CS2(SS)./Robbie the cook. I remember a guy by the name of Cone.  Andrade was relieved of command in 1970. On the last west pac I remember an officer by the name of Costeracus (not sure how it was spelled). I remember Tony Parra, I worked for him. I remember Horseman, we called him shit stain, don't remember his first name. I remember Payne only because he like his eggs scrambled very soft, almost raw.  I don't remember much more on names, I remember a EN1, who later went on to be Master Chief, but I don't remember his name. Sorry I just
    don't remember anymore names. I left the Sabalo on 10 December 1970 and was discharged on 15 December 1970. If you can get anymore emails of guys that were on board the Sabalo please email me at

       Date:        Thu, 1 Feb 2001
      From:        Richard Lamy

    I do not recognize any names you have listed from back in 1953, was hoping to see BJ Flannigan or Cal Sheppard. Will stay in touch......

       Date:        Mon, 22 Jan 2001
      From:       Bob Schultz

     I'm Bob "Dutch" Schultz, En2 (SS).  I served on the Sabalo from July, '55 until January '59.   I'm a retired high school teacher and currently working for Horizon Air.  Married with two grown daughters and have lived in Pendleton, OR for the past 30 years.  Prior to that I lived and worked in Portland, Oregon as an agent for a Marine Insurance Brokerage firm.

    Needless to say I have many fond memories of my life on the Sabalo and the shipmates I had the good fortune to share  in that part of my life.  I was an auxillaryman most of my time aboard.

    Until the book Blindman's Bluff came out, these chapters have been stowed away as a distant memory.  Now all kinds of things are starting to happen.  Thanks to folks like you we have a chance to perhaps renew friendships and experiences no one else could possibly believe.

    Thanks again,
    Dutch Schultz

       Date:        Sun, 21 Jan 2001
      From:        Robert Bartsch

    Jeff:  What a pleasant surprise to pull up my e-mail and find your note about the Sabalo. Congratulations on all your time and effort and keep up the good work. Please add the following information on my line. My rate was QMSN(SS) and I went aboard in about January '52 and transferred to the Gudegon in March '54. My hometown was Ft. Worth, Texas and my
    address now is 433 Hillview, Hurst, TX  76054. The reunion sounds good as the one Jim Palmer tried to get together last year in Atlantic City apparently was not well attended. Went down the roster and recognized a few names, but 46 years ago today I was in Treasure Island getting processed out, one cruise was enough for me. I am in contact with one of good friends, Todd Bunn, and am alerting him to the website and your e-mail address.  Don't know how many got to see the series of 4 programs on the Silent Service, but one of them had Capt. Lawrence Savadkin on it as he was one of the few surviving members of the Tang. He put the Sabalo back in commission and brought her around to Pearl Harbor and he was my first skipper.
    Again my compliments on your work.Bob Bartsch

           Date:           Fri, 19 Jan 2001
         From:           Frank Hood

    Hi Shipmate, don't know how you got my address, but glad you did. I enjoyed my brief stay in Sabalo (11-61 to 10-62). We made one Westpac Cruise and visited Bankok which was a good liberty port. I am in contact with a couple of ex-Sabalo guys Harry Kitterman and Dave Follo and there are probably more.

    I am a life member of USSVI, Bowfin Base. We meet monthly and retell our sea stories.

    Haven't heard about the reunion in Peoria, IL. Would like to go to the convention there but don't think I can make it.

    Aloha, Frank

       Date:        Tue, 16 Jan 2001
      From:        Frank Nugent

    Upon completing Submarine School in 1951 I was sent to the precommissioning detail of the USS SABALO SS302. in New London, CT. LCDR. Larry Savadkin was the CO of the USS SABALO SS302.

    Note: Larry Savadkin free ascended from the USS TANG from 90 Feet, as he escaped from the conning tower. He was assigned TDC operator on its last run, when the USS TANG fired its last torpedo, that came around and hit the USS TANG in the maneuvering room and sunk the USS TANG.

    Upon completing sea trials and ready for sea we left New London, CT for Pearl Harbor, HI.The transit through the Panama Cannel and then on to Pearl was quite hot in the forward torpedo room and the forward battery, as we found out that after arriving and in upkeep that the air-condition was running backwards to the forward part of the ship.The expansion valve was put in backwards..

    The Chief torpedoman was named Pennington.

    I left the USS Sabalo SS302 the first of the year of 1952 to go back to the States and recommissioned the USS BATFISH.

    The first trip to West Pac was not too good for the Sabalo as they lost one engine and then they lost another
    engine and remained alongside of the pier awaiting to repair the engines. ( I did not make the West Pac trip)

    The last time I heard of LCDR Larry Savadkin was one night in the Atlantic I communicated with him while on an operation. He then was a Division Commander of some division out of Charleston.

    The Communications Officer on commissioning was a Lt Maloy. Lt. Maloy left the USS Sabalo SS302 about the same time as I did, the first of the year 1952, to be attached to a submarine which I believe was recommissioned and going back to New London, CT.

    I have one picture of the gunners mates as we arrived in Pearl Harbor.

    Francis E. Nugent RMCS SS USN Retired

       Date:        Sun, 14 Jan 2001
      From:        Larry Douglas

    Just a few pieces re my time abd SABALO (5/55-6/57).
    9/55-11/55 Alaskan trng cruise and third simulated war patrol (northern run - off Kamchatka Peninsula
    3/56-8/56 overhaul at PH
    11/56 departed for WESPAC, enroute completed fourth sim war patrol, another northern run, arrived Yokuska
    23 Dec 56
    While in WESPAC, conducted fifth sim war patrol, this time in Tonkin Gulf; 5/57 returned to PH

    I left active duty 6/57 to attend college in NY

    Lots of "sea stories" to share. Keep up the good work on the site and possible reunion.
    Larry Douglas

       Date:        Fri, 12 Jan 2001
      From:        Wilbur C. Harris

    Thanks for the good work Shipmate.

    I'll be writing soon and send a short bio.  I would love to hear from Jim Kent (Ohio) or Rick Etlinger (Texas). Both served on Sabalo during the short time
    I was on board (Sept 63 - Apr 64).

    Wilbur C. Harris (Harry) MMCM(SS) USN Retired

    Subject:        Roster Adds
       Date:        Thu, 11 Jan 2001
      From:        James Adams 

    Add Mario Reyes EN1(SS), Oscar Gavearis EN1(SS), and Reed EN3(SS) 62-63.  Spelling on Oscar is questionable.  Mario was LPO Fwd ER and Oscar was LPO Aft ER.

    Jim Adams

       Date:        Thu, 11 Jan 2001
      From:        Arlan Boyd
      Hi shipmate. What a great idea .

    I have little info, but a lot of enthusiasm.  Your letter gave me the address of a couple of old shipmates.

    I went on Sabalo as a SA right out of subschool, in May of 1955, at the tender age of 17.  I spent over 3 years attached to her at Pearl.  It was one, if not the one, greatest experience of my life.  I remember about 80% of the people I served with, as does ENCM Woods, who went aboard with me as an FA.

    I have a million stories about the characters I served with.  Most of the earlier ones had been on boats during WWII, and just didn't give a damn, which was even more fun.

    Hope to here from you soon, and again, will do what I can .

        Date:           Sat, 16 Dec 2000
         From:           Larry Davis
          Hey Jeff, got your email and went over the sailing list that you have on the website, superb job and many memories came back, just looking at it.  Yes I am "DOC" Davis and I really enjoyed my days on Sabalo.  Got an email from LeConte who saw my name on the list.  I am retired now of course, got out in 1981.  Living in Vacaville, CA. 95687.  Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that I think you are doing a wonderful and to keep it up.  By the way if you didn't know, there is attempts to get a Sabalo reunion at the USSVI convention in Peoria next year.  It would be great if it comes off. I have some information that I would gladly share with you about it.  I will look up anything additional that I can come across and advise you on it.

    Keep up the good work.
    Larry "DOC" Davis
    142 Jennifer Lane
    Vacaville, CA. 95687-5219
    (707) 446-9417

     Date:        Sat, 16 Dec 2000
      From:        AlanVolbrecht
       Jeff, Thanks for the Email update on the Sabalo and partial roster. I have stayed in touch with John Wetzler since those days. He was in the seaman gang during the second Wespac of 68/69 and now has a plumbing business in Mendocino, Ca. I will try to get his Email address. Until about 15 years ago I was also in contact with Larry Hall ("Dirty Ernie" and occasionally "") in Sparks, Nev.  and Gary Ferguson, a storekeeper that worked with Orton. Last I knew, Gary was in Auburn, Ca. I have a land surveying  business in San Luis Obispo, CA. I vaguely remember you leaving before or during the 68/69 Wespac and thought you were going to be a commercial pilot. Didn't you have some sort of a water skiing accident while home on leave and return with a thumb repaired with by the Navy's finest? Thanks again for your communication and efforts to put together this list. Looking forward to hearing from you,

    Alan Volbrecht FTG3 (SS)

       Date:        Sat, 16 Dec 2000
      From:        Lester Joslin
      I was on the Sabalo (SS302)  Jan. 58 until Dec 1960  as QM1 SS.  Home town was Prineville, OR.
    Present add.
            5206 West Hughes , Lincoln, Neb.  68524-1346  Ph# 402  470-2511
    Also Frank B. Kelso , Ltjg came on board I believe in  1958-59, not sure of the year . But later became Admiral, later CNO .
           Lester M. Joslin, QMC SS Ret .

       Date:        Sat, 16 Dec 2000
      From:        Larry Douglas
    Good to hear from a fellow SABALO sailor! Some of the east coast sailors who put SABALO make in commission
    in the early 1950's were working toward a reunion for SABALO earlier this year. I'll try to find that info and pass it along. I did my tour on SABALO as an ET(s)from 1955 to 1957 out of Pearl with a WESPAC and three "simulated war patrols" - one in the Tonkin Gulf -. I have a PhD in history and spent a lot of time working on subs in the Cold War, esp diesel boats, but
    could never pry the records loose from the Navy/CIA. A lot of history there! Keep me posted on SABALO and
    have a great holiday. Larry Douglas
         Date:           Sat, 16 Dec 2000
         From:           Jerry Nelsen

    JEFF,  I was on the Sabalo from June 60- Mar-63. I was an IC2. I have only had contact with the following crew members:  EN1 Harry Kitterman, IC2 Don Eppinette, and EM2 Lester Rice. I see Pete Rueden on your mailing list. I will have to contact him. Thanks for contacting me and feel free to ask me for info during my tour dates. Smooth seas and Happy Holidays.
    Jerry Nelsen ICCS (SS) RET.

       Date:        Fri, 15 Dec 2000
      From:        Jack Jarvies family" 

    Hi Jeff Was surprised to see your message as about 2 years ago I tried to get a list started but heard from almost no one.  I was
    onboard as a LT and navigator in 60and 61. Arrived aboard Jan1 and left for Wespac onJan 2 leaving a wife and 5 kids in
    Honolulu waiting for Govt housing.  I went from there as XO of Tiru and CO of Carbonero.

    Two names I recall are Artie Burki as CO and Herb Robisch as XO.

    I Have been working with a couple of other guys and we have found over 350 members of Carbonero and are looking for
    more.  Also we have a reunion every 2 years.

    If you are a member of USSVI if you check their roster you may find other members of Sabalo crews. I have signed the book
    at each convention of USSVI on the Sabalo pages but no one has contacted  me.

    If I can be of any help give me a call or e-mail

    John E (Jack) Jarvies CDR USN (Ret)
    14 Mark DR
    Port Jervis NY 12771

      Fri, 15 Dec 2000
      From:        "CTJOHN \"JD\" MORGAN"

        Date:           Tue, 12 Dec 2000
         From:         John D. Przybyla, Sr.
    Hi Jeff :-)
    I rode Sabalo into the war zone TAD from Remora which was in Yokosuka, Japan.  When Sabalo got back to PI, I left, grabbed a hop out of Clark AFB, and went back to Japan again.  As TAD, I stood planes & lookout.

    One of the fond memories of Sabalo that I didn't put in my site was the tremendous HEAT inside the pressure hull!  I'd hotbunk laying ontop of a flash cover, and just a few hours later, I'd be floating in sweat.  Yuk.  I rode Sabalo Aug 97 - Oct 97.

       Date:        Sun, 10 Dec 2000
      From:        John LeConte 
      I was an EM3(SS).  I worked for Lineback, Chief Miller, White in the electricians gang.  I remember your name, but not your face.

    I live in Agoura, California.  I paled around with Shorty Dumar, Mike Houck, Chris Sanborn, Ouelette and Seapig (Senter) and the yeoman whose name I can't remember now.