Please review for correctness your personal info which appears on the Sabalo web site on the roster and personal bio pages at:
Thank you for providing any data below which is incomplete or missing from your record, or any of your shipmates.
Privacy notice: All information is strictly for contact about future Sabalo activities, distribution of Sabalo newsletters, and for preserving the history of her past.  No other dissemination or usage will be made.
Instructions: 'COPY and PASTE' the below section into a blank email.  Complete any missing or incorrect material you see on the web site.
E-Mail to: Jeff Owens

Full name of Sabalo sailor (first, middle, last):

Name of person submitting info if not the same:

Nickname(s) on board:

Rank / rating - Reported aboard as:                                   Left as:

Submarine qualified (SS)    yes        no   Date qual:                   Boat qual aboard:

Highest rank achieved in service:

Retired from military      yes, date                 no

Dates on board Sabalo:    (mm/yy)        Arr:            Dep:

Original hometown:

Year of birth:

Current US Postal Service address:

Telephone number:

Email address:


I would like contact information or to find the following men:

Other info:   Please add any biographical information about your military and civilian career that would be of interest to shipmates.  

Also needed is any information about other shipmates that you might be in touch with, or have an idea where they may be located.  Sometimes the original hometown or state is very helpful in locating someone.