eml = email pc = post card ltr =
letter telcon= phone call
The below listed men have responded that they won't be attending
in Las Vegas. (in
alphabetical order)
Booriakin, Walter eml 4 Oct Tania and I
have been on the go since recovering from the total knee
replacement earlier this year. ... I will not be able to make the reunion this year
as it is in conflict with the Marine Corps Birthday Ball that my
son-in-law ( a former Marine) and my grandson-in-law, a present
Marine plus my son's in -law father (a retired Marine) will be
attending at the Marines Memorial Club in San Francisco.
We have been attending these events with them in the past and
will this year. Will be looking
forward to some pictures and a write up that hopefully will be
placed on the Sabalo web site. Say hi for me to anyone
that will be there from my time on-board (July 69-July
71). Thanks for
taking an active part in getting the crew together. Walt B.
Chase, Terry eml 12 Aug We are currently
scheduled to be out of the country the dates of the reunion.
Drost, Louie eml 11 Aug Will be working….I am still trying to make ends
Ferguson, Gary eml 2 Sep Lots of great but foggy
memories of my time spent on the Sabalo and especially Olongapo. I
was not planning on attending this reunion. Have a great time.
Gellett, Jim eml 30 Oct Don't think I can make it this
year. But would like to try for next year. Sorry I will miss you
all. Best boat I ever served on. That includes the 42 ft. Air Force
drop boat, we had in Sea Scouts.
Hillan, Earl eml 10 Aug Sorry, but I will unable
to attend this one. but keep me up to date. Thanks, Earl
Kelly, Earl eml 11 Aug Have a great
meeting !. Wish I could be there.
Kockert, Jerry eml 13 Aug All is well. Reunion
conflicts with major family event and get together, so cannot
attend. Otherwise location is ideal. Always enjoy the newsletters.
Thanks for all of the work you and Ron put into the organization.
LeConte, John eml 9 Aug Not this time.
Leeke, Warrie eml 10 Aug We’re still
alive and kicking, albeit a bit slower than before. Unfortunately,
we’re in the middle of some medical procedures that will keep us
from the reunion, but we’ll be there in spirit. Hope all is well
with you and your family and that you have an enjoyable reunion. Try
to keep the sea stories at least semi-believable. Warrie
McCord, Dennis eml 9 Aug I am alive and well but very
busy. I would like to take part in the reunion but my schedule
is full for the rest of the year. I certainly hope that the
reunion works out well for all those who will be attending. I
hold a National position in the Air Force Military Auxiliary Radio
Service(AFMARS unpaid!!) which takes up virtually all my spare time
(up to 6 hours per day 24/7/365). My station is state of the art and
I help DOD aircraft with phone patches to home or base. It
keeps me out of trouble(most of the time). I am about to
depart to Montana for the wedding of one of my grand daughters.
Another one is coming up in December,she is currently in the
Navy stationed in Sasabo. Have you heard from Bill Weisensee
lately. I used to work for him back in the 50's. He was
my lead ET aboard Sabalo.
McCune, Denver eml 13 Aug Sorry
- It
looks very well planned and loads of fun. Would be fun
to play with you guys and gals, but time has taken a small
toll on a few of us. My 85th birthday is later this
year and I feel lucky to be able to remember what a fun time
we had in Sabalo. Please keep me on the mailing list
and thank you for all of your efforts to keep the spirit
afloat! (Not many submarines had the aft engine room
turned around with the generators forward, did they? ;-).
shipmate, Denver a.k.a. Lt. Joe D. McCune, USN 1957
Nelson, Don eml 8 Oct I will be in Washington as
expert witness prep for a week or two during this time.
Organ, Jim eml 10 Aug Thanks for the email,
Jeff. Sorry I can't make the reunion. Traveling is a little beyond
me now. But best wishes for a successful event. Nothing ever equaled
the diesel boat experience. Jim
Peters, Vic eml 15 Sep Some issues have arisen that will keep
us from attending this year.
Port, Dick eml 4 Aug I'm sorry to inform you that I
will not be attending the reunion. The reason, flying.
My last experience really screwed the pooch. Driving that far
is now, undoable. Best Regards, Dick Port
Putnam, Bill eml 9 Aug Unable to make
reunion this year. Thank you for asking. Keep up the good work.
Reyes, Apolinario eml 22 Aug I'm sorry but
I would not be able to make it to the reunion in November. I know
you and Ron are doing a great job keeping it going. Bravo Zulu!
Sanderlin, Ken 9 Aug Over the past two or three
years I have pretty much stopped attending reunions. ...
Besides... None of the venues appear to be
"poodle friendly" and I rarely go anywhere that I can't take
the poodle. Have fun and maintain a zero bubble.
Sausman, George eml 1 Nov ...not be able to attend the
reunion. Have great time and our thoughts are with all of you who
served on the boat.
Stafford, Ed eml 12 Aug Thanks for checking in with me. I
would like to make some of the events in the future. Unfortunately
for me my time is tied up getting my youngest son moved to
Connecticut in September. He defends his dissertation before he
leaves then moves to Yale. Plus he is doing a post-doc starting
September too. Too many irons in the fire right now to commit to the
reunion. I hope my year goes more smoothly after the beginning
of the year. I'd like to keep in touch. Have a wonderful day.
Sullivan, Larry eml 4 Aug Due to work commitments I will not
be able to attend
Venezia, Howard eml 4 Aug Regret, but will be unable to attend
the Reunion. Hope all have a ball!! Vinnie
Villa, Dante eml 15 Sep I am sorry I can't come to
the reunion this November due to health condition. I hope I will be
in better health next time.
Watson, Bud eml 14 Sep It looks like I have some conflicts
at this time and I will not be able to commit. Wish you all
well, sorry I could not make it. This year make 50 years since
I left Sabalo after getting hit by car in ...(Pearl?)
White, Jim eml 8 Aug Not possible to make reunion. Son has
cancer and we are pretty much tied down with that situation. I'm
doing great myself for an 80 year old. Mowing 6 acres a week; still
chasing women (pacing myself so as not to catch one). I would be
like the dog that caught the car he was chasing. I wouldn't know
what to do with it. ha ha . Good to hear from you. Jim
Wiggenhorn, Rick eml 8 Oct Sorry, I will be traveling
with the family.
Williams, Jerry eml 9 Aug Sorry, but I will be
unable to attend the reunion. After retirement,
I decided to take up the profession I had always dreamed of
pursuing. I went back to college, and now I work part-time
as an education assistant in a elementary school here in
Florida. I love the job, but it requires that I be around
during the school year. Good luck, and best wishes to all of my
former Sabalo friends. Best, Jerry
Wisswell, Bob eml 9 Aug I'm sorry to say that
I won't be able to attend due to prior comments. I hope
everyone has a wonderful time. Bob