22 Sep 2003
From: Jeff Stockton
Really sorry I couldn't make it to Reno. I got
on June 6th, moved to Seattle to be with my old high schooln girlfriend
was going to come with me. I ended up coming down with pneumonia, then
stones. Needless to say, other than nice weather in Seattle, the summer
I hope I'll live long enough to try and make a
reunion. I'm just fighting to get back to a "reasonable" state of
after the pneumonia pared 50 pounds off my 165 pond body. Jeff
TM3(SS) 1957-'59.
2 Sep 2003
From: David Brower
My Kids: My 7 children range from 26 to 39 and my 12 grandkids range
from 2 to 18 years plus 1 two year old great grand child. One great
thing about marrying two women who already have kids is you reap the
benefits of grand kids at an early age. I am a blessed guy to be sure.
My Job: I handle the creative and buying of radio, television, and
newspaper advertising for all of the LITHIA automobile dealerships in
7 Aug 2003
From: Earl Meggison
Sorry for the delay in responding but, I have been traveling
out-of-state and have not had a chance to catch up on all my mail.
Unfortunately, I
will not be able to attend the Sabalo Reunion in September...Although I
have just been reading the " Sabalo mail" on your web site and it
looks as if a lot of crew, will be there... I certainly wish I could be
there too. Please ask our shipmates to keep the web-site updated, both
and after the convention, so we can at least express our "Regards"...
You have made a lot of us happy with the Sabalo Web-site Jeff and we
appreciate you very much!!!
6 Aug 2003
Jeff, Thanks for
carrying the ball. Doing my best to get to my High School 50th
reunion this year. Want to give my best to any Sabalo sailors who
served between April 1955 and September 1958. I will try very
hard to make the next one, just as I am trying very hard to really
Cliff Franks, LCDR USN(Ret) (QM3(SS) on Sabalo)
30 Jul 2003
From: Gordon Fish
I regret that I will not be able to attend the Reno reunion. I
have been dragging my feet in making the decision, because I would
enjoy it. I hope you are able to continue your good work and
another one at a later time. Please give my regards to anyone who
remembers me and feel free to give them my email address.
think you are doing a tremendous service in developing and maintaining
the website, and I will continue to visit it to see what is happening.
Jul 2003
I served in
the Sabalo 1952/54 as Gunnery and Engineering Officer. I am
sorry my wife, Sally and I are not able to attend this years reunion
would appreciate further reunion information for 2004.
Sally and I are hosting the USS Honolulu CL48 reunion in Honolulu the
same time of the Sabalo's reunion. It is our 25th reunion and
have a Float entered in the Aloha Day Parade as our ship is the
namesake for the city of Honolulu and so there will be quite a
celebration bringing
the men back to ride in the parade. This will be the 3rd time
and I have hosted the reunion. Next year we will be in San
TX to place our Ship Commemorative Plaque in the Nimitz Museum in
Fredericksburg. It will take place at the end of Sept. or the
first week in Oct.
We know you will all have a wonderful time in Reno and we will be
thinking of all of you. My very best wishes to all for a very
Sincerely, Lou Nockold,
Cdr. Ret.
From: James Way
I hate to do this, but for
personal reasons I will not be attending this years USS Sabalo Reunion.
I have
had three MRI's since June 1st and found problems in my spine in three
locations. Enough of my situation for now.
I will look forward to getting back to normal
health and hope to attend future reunions. I will stay on line to
keep up with your updates as to what is going on now and also in the
Jul 2003
Re: USS Sabalo Reunion Newsletter
Jeff, This was very nice. You
sure have
your whole heart and soul into this.
Sorry to say, Dick and I are moving to Florida around this time.
We are having a home built and don't have an exact date as of
yet. Maybe the next reunion!
Sharon Camper
Jul 2003
My name is Margaret May- Les's wife He doesn't "do" the internet
Les was an E-8 (RMCS SS). He reported aboard the Sabalo in 1964
maybe around Jan- I don't really remember . My daughter found your
and sent his name for the roster while she was gathering info re his
career . She was making a nice history for him. He retired in 1967
20 yrs service in the Navy most of it in the SS. He went on to be Chief
Engineer on the inland waterways and retired from the Teamsters in
We currently live in Cummig, Ga to be near our children and
Don't thnk we'll be able to make it to the reunion but it sounds like
The men and wives on the Sabalo were the nicest people we ever met !
fun too. Have fun at the reunion, and if you know anyone that was
in 1964& '65 let me know.
Marge May
Jun 2003
From: Pete Ruden
I was waiting to see if I would be able to go to the reunion.
Looks like I will not make it because of family & work
commitments. I really wanted to see all my old shipmates.
Seems like the list is getting shorter, faster.
Thanks for all you have done keeping us all in contact with each
other. Please give my best regards to all the Sabalo crew &
tell them I am with them in spirit. I know you will all have a
great time.
Murray Menkes is my
father, he died while in active service
in 1960 at the rank of Lt. Commander. He must have been a Lt.
or Lt.JG when he served on board. I still have a brass plaque
[of the Sabalo patch] and I've attached a picture of it. If
anyone has stories or recollections about him, I'd like to hear them.
Thanks. Clark
Menkes, 2198 Redwood Crest, Vista, CA 92081
Jeff -
My brother Clark forwarded the article
written by Rob't Bell. I used the URL and purused your site.
Murray Menkes left behind 3 children when
he died in 1960:
Ellen P. Menkes/Ghiselli = epg3pge.com or epg3charter.net
age 6 years at time of Murray's death
Clark T. Menkes = menkesfamaol.com - age 3
years at time of Murray's death
Paul S. Menkes = Paul.Menkesfkilogistex.com
age4 months at time of Murray's death
All 3 of us would like to be contacted,
we know very little about our father. If you know of whom served
with Murray, we would love to hear stories. I found his yearbook
(from graduation year) from Annapolis in an antique store several years
ago and it is a treasure all 3 of peruse.
Thanks for your help and support in
passing on my request.
Ellen Ghiselli,
ATS/Technical Architecture
8.665.6342/(805) 595.6342
- 8.223.5564/(415) 973.5564
cell - (805)
17 Jun 2003
My name is Leonard(Len)Cardwell and I was a close friend of Bob
Schultz. I was on the Gudgeon in Pearl the same time he was
on the Sabalo. I even sold him my car when I left for
the states on the USS Bass (K-2) and didn't know it until we
got to talking here in Pendleton. Bob and I started the
Inland Empire Base and he was our Commander and me the Vice
Commander. Betsy forwarded your reply to me. He and I had
planned on taking my trailer to Reno. (Damn) Anyway Betsy will
be giving me a box of things he had collected for you all. I
have one that is a Christmas Menu and some other things.
Please let me know your plans in Reno as I still plan on going.
The Gudgeon is having a get together as well as several
other boats I was on. I would like to read Bob's Obituary at your
meeting and meet all of you in person. Bob had many tales to tell
about you all and really loved the Sabalo .
Take care.
Leonard (Len) Cardwell
70697 SW Douglas Drive
Pendleton, Oregon 97801
(541) 276-5375
12 June 2003
Subject: Robert "Dutch" Schultz
> Please take Dutch off of your list as he passed away on May
18th, thank you
> Betsy Schultz
Dear Betsy,
We are saddened to learn of the passing of our shipmate. Thank
you for informing us. At our reunion we will be having
a special toast to our departed friends.
Please accept my condolences on behalf of all his Sabalo compatriots.
Best wishes,
Jeff Owens
24 May 2003
Hi Jeff,
Thank you very much for the memories of Lt. Robert Bell, jr. on the
"Korean Patrol". It brought back a lot of memories that I had
forgotten. A small item, The "Chief of the Boat " was GMC Jake
Lewis. Nickname was "Shakey Jake" . I am awfully sorry
not to be able to make it to Reno, as I am on 24/7 oxygen and have to
have a Nebulizer treatment every 4 to 5 hrs. Dam cigarets !!.
Give my best to all the old timers. Best Regards. James "Harry" Lute
20 May 2003
Jeff, I have about 100
slides of the Westpac in 68-69 that I will try to scan and copy to
cd. No promises, but I will give it a good try. If
successful, I plan to make many copies to be given out. Wish me
will have a car there as we are starting a driving trip from
Reno. I like the Picnic idea for possibly Friday. We are
open and will support any plans the majority wants to do.
are leaving Friday for a 3 week vacation to Europe, so I will not be
responding to email until mid June.
Thanks again for
all your work. Will Kaefer 68-70
16 May 2003
Hi Jeff,
I'm sorry to have held off so long, but my schedule got crazy.
I'm not going to attend the reunion this year. Thank you for all
of the work you have done on this project. We will keep in touch.
Regards, Ron Van Nest
15 May 2003
I have been following ,with
interest, your efforts at the Sabalo reunion. It looks like
you are doing a superb job. In my case my wife and I are in the process
of moving and future plans are indefinite. I was aboard Sabalo at
the time Hal Barker was C.O. in 1966. My promotion to CDR precluded my
staying aboard but the short time I had was very enjoyable. We
will make every effort to attend some part of the reunion.
Eric H. Swenson, Capt. USNR-(ret)
15 May 2003
I currently have 3 conflicts with the reunion dates. I am trying to
clear the way and will notify you if I can even make it for a day.
Thanks for keeping me updated.
Tom Wilhelm QM2/SS USS Sabalo SS-302 1/68 - 12/70
PS. If anyone driving around the L.A. area see's a red Harley with
license SS 302, it's me.
12 Mar 2003
Jeff, Larry Julihn
forwarded your web sit to me. Great job. Please add my
name. At first glance I see many familiar names, including
yours. I sure do remember the wave guide repair and have told
many about it.
I heard that Lt.
Abby was found dead at the bottom of a well in Spain while on active
duty. It must have been in the mid '70s. I think I have
some photos I will try to send. (not the ones of Club Oro in the
PI!) I might just make the Reno gig. I do have a few extra
Sabalo lighters you might want to raffle off for what it is worth for
the pot. I will be in touch after I dig for a few more
things. I was in touch
with Lt Willie Williams until about 8 years ago, but have lost
touch. Keep up the good work,
Will Kaefer, Lt Oct '68
to Mar "70. Weapons Officer.
8 Mar 2003
Would like to join you at the reunion, but my wife's health prevents
any traveling. Please say hi from me to all that served with me
on Sabalo and Stickleback, and any other duty station. I have
only fond memories of Sabalo & Stickleback. May you all have
a wonderful time.
Carl Bowlby
1 Mar 2003
I was on the Sabalo from recommissioning in 51 until the return from
the first West Pac patrol. I'm going to dig into my pictures and see
what I come up with. I know I have a couple with the COB (I forgot his
name) on deck dressed as a geisha. I also had a good friend who was a
1st class engineman from Susanville, Ca, but I can't remember his name
either. See you at the reunion.
Joe Bergwerk-former EM2 SS
27 Feb 2003
From: Gene Williams
I tentatively plan to attend the
reunion in Reno ... my health is a major factor ... doctor hit spinal
cord in 1998 and paralyzed me from neck down ... HOGWASH ... I walked
from the wheel chair to car from hospital ... been a uphill battle ever
since ... rehab exercises daily ... acute pain spasms ... nerve
damage and bunch of other side effects ... HEY, I AM A SUBMARINER ... I
am beating all doctors prognosis ... so, we shall see but I will be
there with bells on ... well, no bells!
20 Feb 2003
Hi Jeff, Just sending my name in for
the big event. James P. (JP) Braun will be there with his Big
Truck parked at the TA truck stop in Sparks. See you then.
Jim Braun, 1958-1961
5 Feb 2003
From: Jeff Stockton, exTM3(SS)
....confirming that I WILL be coming over to Reno in Sept.
I've already booked a suite at The Peppermill and will get there on
9/2 and stay the week.
I see Dutch Schultz & Red Padgett from my era ('57 - '59) are
going. Hope to see others.
24 Jan 2003
Jeff: I served aboard the Sabalo from May '57 through June '58 as an
ET2/ET1 (SS) and would like info about
the reunion in Reno.
Thanks, Bill Weisensee
22 Jan 2003
My father, Thomas Roush served on the Sabalo around 56-58. He is
interested in getting in contact with some of his old shipmates. He
does not have a
computer, but has asked that if any of you wish to contact
him, do so through me, (his Youngest of 3 Boys). He is planning on
making the reunion this year as well. Hope to hear from you.
Thomas J. "Chip" Roush Jr.
8 Jan 2003
From: Wm. Parks
Hello Jeff,
It's been a long time but I remember you well. Thanks for
the e-mail.
I retired last year and now I only do a bit of tax consulting about
three or four days a month.
I think I have some photos taken during the Sabalo years and when I
locate them I'll scan them and e-mail you a copy.
I don't have any e-mail addresses of Sabalo crew but I may
have a street address or two. Do you want street addresses?
[Anything which may help locate shipmates, or jog others memories is
I have only extremely fond memories of Sabalo and the great crew. I
always tell everyone that Sabalo was the best of all duties I had in
the Navy. I keep a photo of the boat in my home office.
You've done a great job on the web site. Thank you for all your hard
From: Dottie (Irvin) Rittman
1 Jan 2003
My father Harold Irvin served on the USS SABALO in 1953. I
have a painting of the submarine on the rock of my fireplace that he
had purchased while stationed in Japan. My father was deceased in July
of 1990. It really means a lot to me that he is listed on your website.
Thank you, Dottie