THE MAILBAG 2002-2003
  • Interesting (and non x-rated) mail received will be posted here for all to consume.  Should you see your material here and not wish it to be posted, let me know and I'll take it down.
  • Additional email content can be found on the 'Biographic & Personal Info' page if that is the subject of the communication.
  • You can use your browser's "Find" feature (Cntrl + F) to search this page.
  • Last message received is posted at the top of the list.

  • Jeff Owens, ETN2(SS)

    22 Sep 2003
    From: Jeff Stockton
         Really sorry I couldn't make it to Reno. I got divorced on June 6th, moved to Seattle to be with my old high schooln girlfriend who was going to come with me. I ended up coming down with pneumonia, then kidney stones. Needless to say, other than nice weather in Seattle, the summer "sucked."
         I hope I'll live long enough to try and make a future reunion. I'm just fighting to get back to a "reasonable" state of health after the pneumonia pared 50 pounds off my 165 pond body.   Jeff Stockton, TM3(SS) 1957-'59.

    2 Sep 2003
    From: David Brower
    My Kids: My 7 children range from 26 to 39 and my 12 grandkids range from 2 to 18 years plus 1 two year old great grand child. One great thing about marrying two women who already have kids is you reap the benefits of grand kids at an early age. I am a blessed guy to be sure.
    My Job: I handle the creative and buying of radio, television, and newspaper advertising for all of the LITHIA automobile dealerships in Colorado.
    7 Aug 2003
    From: Earl Meggison
    Sorry for the delay in responding but, I have been traveling out-of-state and have not had a chance to catch up on all my mail. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the Sabalo Reunion in September...Although I have just been  reading the " Sabalo mail" on your web site and it looks as if a lot of crew, will be there... I certainly wish I could be there too. Please ask our shipmates to keep the web-site updated, both during and after the convention, so we can at least express our "Regards"...   You have made a lot of us happy with the Sabalo Web-site Jeff and we certainly appreciate you very much!!!
    6 Aug 2003
    Jeff, Thanks for carrying the ball.  Doing my best to get to my High School 50th reunion this year.  Want to give my best to any Sabalo sailors who served between April 1955 and September 1958.  I will try very hard to make the next one, just as I am trying very hard to really retire.  
    Cliff Franks
    LCDR USN(Ret) (QM3(SS) on Sabalo)

    30 Jul 2003
    From: Gordon Fish
    I regret that I will not be able to attend the Reno reunion.  I have been dragging my feet in making the decision, because I would really enjoy it.  I hope you are able to continue your good work and organize another one at a later time.  Please give my regards to anyone who remembers me and feel free to give them my email address.  I think you are doing a tremendous service in developing and maintaining the website, and I will continue to visit it to see what is happening.
    29 Jul 2003
    I served in the Sabalo  1952/54 as Gunnery and Engineering Officer.  I am sorry my wife, Sally and I are not able to attend this years reunion but would appreciate further reunion information for 2004.
    Sally and I are hosting the USS Honolulu CL48 reunion in Honolulu the same time of the Sabalo's reunion.  It is our 25th reunion and have a Float entered in the Aloha Day Parade as our ship is the namesake for the city of Honolulu and so there will be quite a celebration bringing the men back to ride in the parade.  This will be the 3rd time Sally and I have hosted the reunion.  Next year we will be in San Antonio, TX to place our Ship Commemorative Plaque in the Nimitz Museum in Fredericksburg.  It will take place at the end of Sept. or the first week in Oct.
    We know you will all have a wonderful time in Reno and we will be thinking of all of you.  My very best wishes to all for a very successful reunion.
    Sincerely,  Lou Nockold
    , Cdr. Ret.
    28 Jul 2003
    From: James Way
    I hate to do this, but for personal reasons I will not be attending this years USS Sabalo Reunion. I have had three MRI's since June 1st and found problems in my spine in three locations.  Enough of my situation for now.
         I will look forward to getting back to normal health and hope to attend future reunions.  I will stay on line to keep up with your updates as to what is going on now and also in the future.

    24 Jul 2003
    Re: USS Sabalo Reunion Newsletter
    Jeff,  This was very nice.  You sure have your whole heart and soul into this.
    Sorry to say, Dick and I are moving to Florida around this time.  We are having a home built and don't have an exact date as of yet.  Maybe the next reunion!
    Sharon Camper

    3 Jul 2003
    My name is Margaret May- Les's wife He doesn't "do" the internet  Les was an E-8 (RMCS SS). He reported aboard the Sabalo in 1964 maybe around Jan- I don't really remember . My daughter found your website and sent his name for the roster while she was gathering info re his Navy career . She was making a nice history for him. He retired in 1967 after 20 yrs service in the Navy most of it in the SS. He went on to be Chief Engineer on the inland waterways and retired from the Teamsters in 1988. We currently live in Cummig, Ga to be near our children and grandchildren. Don't thnk we'll be able to make it to the reunion but it sounds like fun. The men and wives on the Sabalo were the nicest people we ever met ! And fun too. Have fun at the reunion, and if you know anyone that was aboard in 1964& '65 let me know.
    Marge May
    28 Jun 2003
    From: Pete Ruden
    I was waiting to see if I would be able to go to the reunion.  Looks like I will not make it because of family & work commitments.  I really wanted to see all my old shipmates.  Seems like the list is getting shorter, faster. 

    Thanks for all you have done keeping us all in contact with each other.  Please give my best regards to all the Sabalo crew & tell them I am with them in spirit.  I know you will all have a great time.

    21 Jun 2003
    Murray Menkes is my father, he died while in active service in 1960 at the rank of Lt. Commander.  He must have been a Lt. or Lt.JG when he served on board.  I still have a brass plaque [of the Sabalo patch] and I've attached a picture of it.  If anyone has stories or recollections about him, I'd like to hear them.  
    Thanks.  Clark Menkes, 2198 Redwood Crest, Vista, CA 92081

    Jeff -
    My brother Clark forwarded the article written by Rob't Bell.  I used the URL and purused your site.
    Murray Menkes left behind 3 children when he died in 1960:
    Ellen P. Menkes/Ghiselli =    or    age 6 years at time of Murray's death
    Clark T. Menkes = -  age 3 years at time of Murray's death
    Paul S. Menkes =  age4 months at time of Murray's death
    All 3 of us would like to be contacted, as we know very little about our father.  If you know of whom served with Murray, we would love to hear stories.  I found his yearbook (from graduation year) from Annapolis in an antique store several years ago and it is a treasure all 3 of peruse.
    Thanks for your help and support in passing on my request.
    Ellen Ghiselli, ATS/Technical Architecture
    SLO - 8.665.6342/(805) 595.6342
    SF -    8.223.5564/(415) 973.5564
    cell - (805) 440.4433

    17 Jun 2003
    My name is Leonard(Len)Cardwell and I was a close friend of Bob Schultz. I was on the Gudgeon in Pearl the same time he was on the Sabalo.  I even sold him my car when I left for the states on the USS Bass (K-2) and didn't know it until we got to talking here in Pendleton.  Bob and I started the Inland Empire Base and he was our Commander and me the Vice Commander. Betsy forwarded your reply to me. He and I had planned on taking my trailer to Reno. (Damn) Anyway Betsy will be giving me a box of things he had collected for you all. I have one that is a Christmas Menu and some other things.  Please let me know your plans in Reno as I still plan on going.  The Gudgeon is having a get together as well as several other boats I was on.  I would like to read Bob's Obituary at your meeting and meet all of you in person.  Bob had many tales to tell about you all and really loved the Sabalo .
    Take care.
    Leonard (Len) Cardwell
    70697 SW Douglas Drive
    Pendleton, Oregon 97801
    (541) 276-5375

    12 June 2003
    Subject: Robert "Dutch" Schultz
    > Please take Dutch off of your list as he passed away on May 18th,  thank you
    > Betsy Schultz

    Dear Betsy,
    We are saddened to learn of the passing of our shipmate.  Thank you for informing us.  At our reunion we will be having a special toast to our departed friends.
    Please accept my condolences on behalf of all his Sabalo compatriots.
    Best wishes,
    Jeff Owens

    24 May 2003
         Hi Jeff,
    Thank you very much for the memories of Lt. Robert Bell, jr. on the "Korean Patrol".  It brought back a lot of memories that I had forgotten.  A small item, The "Chief of the Boat " was GMC Jake Lewis. Nickname was "Shakey Jake" .   I am awfully sorry not to be able to make it to Reno, as I am on 24/7 oxygen and have to have a Nebulizer treatment every 4 to 5 hrs. Dam cigarets !!.
                 Give my best to all the old timers. Best Regards. James "Harry" Lute
    20 May 2003
    Jeff, I have about 100 slides of the Westpac in 68-69 that I will try to scan and copy to cd.  No promises, but I will give it a good try.  If successful, I plan to make many copies to be given out.  Wish me luck.
          We will have a car there as we are starting a driving trip from Reno.  I like the Picnic idea for possibly Friday.  We are open and will support any plans the majority wants to do.
          We are leaving Friday for a 3 week vacation to Europe, so I will not be responding to email until mid June.
     Thanks again for all your work.  Will Kaefer 68-70

    16 May 2003
    Hi Jeff,
    I'm sorry to have held off so long, but my schedule got crazy.  I'm not going to attend the reunion this year.  Thank you for all of the work you have done on this project.  We will keep in touch.  Regards, Ron Van Nest

    15 May 2003
        I have been following ,with interest, your efforts at the Sabalo reunion. It looks like you are doing a superb job. In my case my wife and I are in the process of moving and future plans are indefinite.  I was aboard Sabalo at the time Hal Barker was C.O. in 1966. My promotion to CDR precluded my staying aboard but the short time I had was very enjoyable.  We will make every effort to attend some part of the reunion. 
     Eric H. Swenson, Capt. USNR-(ret)

    15 May 2003
    I currently have 3 conflicts with the reunion dates. I am trying to clear the way and will notify you if I can even make it for a day.  Thanks for keeping me updated.
    Tom Wilhelm  QM2/SS  USS Sabalo SS-302  1/68 - 12/70
    PS. If anyone driving around the L.A. area see's a red Harley with license SS 302, it's me.
    12 Mar 2003
    Jeff, Larry Julihn forwarded your web sit to me.  Great job.  Please add my name.  At first glance I see many familiar names, including yours.  I sure do remember the wave guide repair and have told many about it.
          I heard that Lt. Abby was found dead at the bottom of a well in Spain while on active duty.  It must have been in the mid '70s.  I think I have some photos I will try to send. (not the ones of Club Oro in the PI!)  I might just make the Reno gig.  I do have a few extra Sabalo lighters you might want to raffle off for what it is worth for the pot.  I will be in touch after I dig for a few more things.  I was in touch with Lt Willie Williams until about 8 years ago, but have lost touch.  Keep up the good work,  
    Will Kaefer, Lt Oct '68 to Mar "70.  Weapons Officer.

    8 Mar 2003
    Would like to join you at the reunion, but my wife's health prevents any traveling.  Please say hi from me to all that served with me on Sabalo and Stickleback, and any other duty station.  I have only fond memories of Sabalo & Stickleback.  May you all have a wonderful time.
    Carl Bowlby

    1 Mar 2003
    I was on the Sabalo from recommissioning in 51 until the return from the first West Pac patrol. I'm going to dig into my pictures and see what I come up with. I know I have a couple with the COB (I forgot his name) on deck dressed as a geisha. I also had a good friend who was a 1st class engineman from Susanville, Ca, but I can't remember his name either.  See you at the reunion.
    Joe Bergwerk-former EM2 SS

    27 Feb 2003
    From: Gene Williams
    I tentatively plan to attend the reunion in Reno ... my health is a major factor ... doctor hit spinal cord in 1998 and paralyzed me from neck down ... HOGWASH ... I walked from the wheel chair to car from hospital ... been a uphill battle ever since ... rehab exercises daily ... acute pain spasms ... nerve damage and bunch of other side effects ... HEY, I AM A SUBMARINER ... I am beating all doctors prognosis ... so, we shall see but I will be there with bells on ... well, no bells!
    20 Feb 2003
    Hi Jeff, Just sending my name in for the big event.  James P. (JP) Braun will be there with his Big Truck parked at the TA truck stop in Sparks. See you then.
     Jim Braun, 1958-1961

    5 Feb 2003
    From: Jeff Stockton, exTM3(SS)
    ....confirming that I WILL be coming over to Reno in Sept. I've already booked a suite at The Peppermill and will get there on 9/2 and stay the week.
    I see Dutch Schultz & Red Padgett from my era ('57 - '59) are going. Hope to see others.
    24 Jan 2003
    Jeff: I served aboard the Sabalo from May '57 through June '58 as an ET2/ET1 (SS) and would like info about the reunion in Reno.
    Thanks, Bill Weisensee  

    22 Jan 2003
    My father, Thomas Roush served on the Sabalo around 56-58. He is interested in getting in contact with some of his old shipmates. He does not have a
    computer, but has asked that if any of you wish to contact him, do so through me, (his Youngest of 3 Boys). He is planning on making the reunion this year as well. Hope to hear from you.
    Thomas J. "Chip" Roush Jr.

    8 Jan 2003
    From: Wm. Parks
    Hello Jeff,

    It's been a long time but I remember you well. Thanks for the e-mail.

    I retired last year and now I only do a bit of tax consulting about three or four days a month.

    I think I have some photos taken during the Sabalo years and when I locate them I'll scan them and e-mail you a copy.

    I don't have any e-mail addresses of Sabalo crew but I may have a street address or two. Do you want street addresses?
    [Anything which may help locate shipmates, or jog others memories is welcomed.]

    I have only extremely fond memories of Sabalo and the great crew. I always tell everyone that Sabalo was the best of all duties I had in the Navy. I keep a photo of the boat in my home office.

    You've done a great job on the web site. Thank you for all your hard work.
    From: Dottie (Irvin) Rittman 
    1 Jan 2003
    My father Harold Irvin served on the USS SABALO in 1953. I have a painting of the submarine on the rock of my fireplace that he had purchased while stationed in Japan. My father was deceased in July of 1990. It really means a lot to me that he is listed on your website.
    Thank you, Dottie
    From: Joe Belmont
    30 Dec 2002
    Sorry to have taken so long to get back to you. Will certainly be in Reno as I can easily drive down from here. ......Have not opened the Sabalo web site yet but shall as soon as I finish this. I was a QM2 and put her back in commission in 1950(?) then went on to the Irex. Had gotten recalled for the Korean war after leaving the boats in 1948. Take care and have a Happy Christmas.

    30 Nov 2002
    Subject: Dennis Dipley
    Dear Jeff:
    I found your post card among my husbands papers and thought I must let you know that he passed away on Nov. 2, 2002.
    He talked so much about the Sabalo and the reunions. He had hopes of going to the next reunion.
    It was cancer and very unexpected since Dennis took such good care of himself. We had only known a month when he passed, but still had faith that he could beat it. He was a wonderful human being, and he is, and will always be very missed.
    Good Luck and hope your reunion is wonderful and fun.
    Martha Dipley
    15 Nov 2002
     I am proud to say I was aboard the Sabalo the years of 1953 and 1954. I qualified on the boat in 1954. My rate was EM3. I am am attaching a recent picture of myself in my fifty year old uniform and a past picture of myself and the Sabalo all in one picture.  Hope to see you all at the next reunion.
    Regards, Andre' (Jock) Giacomelli
    5 Nov 2002
    Jeff, unfortunately today, a friend of Dennis L. Dipley told me today of Dennis passing away last Saturday from cancer. His funeral is tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 6, here in Springfield. According to the Springfield, Missouri News-Leader, (Nov. 5, 2002), he was married in 1972 and had one daughter. His sister passed away earlier this year from cancer. Survivors include his parents, wife and daughter, one aunt and numerous nieces and nephews. He will be buried with Military Honors and interred in the Missouri Veterans Cemetery. I apologize for being the bearer of bad news as I too am a submariner but I felt it necessary to let his
    shipmates know. I'm not a DBF'r but at least my claim to redemption is that I was an a-ganger. It seems that most people assume that if you are a submariner you know all the others. I'm sure you've been in that position. Over the past years I've lost four shipmates that I know of and it's always tough. My condolences.

    Best Regards,
    Ben Christianson, MMCS/SS USN, Ret.  bchristianson
    [see bio page for more details about Dipley.]

    30 Oct 2002
    From John LeConte  Re: Phone numbers you gave me to contact:
    Northway -  the saddest one.  It was the right number for Chet.  I talked to his wife and confirmed it was the Chet we were shipmates with.  He died last year!
    8 Oct 02
    From: Bruce Vignola
    HI.    I served on Sabalo 69 - 70  ICFNSS  I made 3rd in  Sasabo JAPAN but left the next day on emergency leave.  I would like to be included on the roster.  I have  always been most proud of my time on Sabalo even though I 1st  Qualfied on Robert E Lee SSBN 601.
    27 Sep 02
    From: Pete Ruden

    Thanks for the postcard.  Sorry, I changed my email service & I guess I did not let you know.  New email address is:

    I spent a day with Harold Losby & his wife Shirley earlier in the year.  Harold was COB on Sabalo many years ago.  He & I were stationed in Japan 58-60.  I tried to get him to buy a computer so he can communicate with his old shipmates.  As much as he likes to tell sea stories I know he would enjoy it.  No luck.  I think he is intimidated by them.  I will keep working on him.

    I will try to make the reunion in Sep 03.

    25 Sep 2002
    Re: Ronald L. Shea
    Received your card regarding the reunion.  I'm sorry to inform you that Ron passed away 10 Apr 02.  He was very proud of having been able to serve on the Sabalo and honored to have served with those who were his shipmates. Ron was my older brother (by three years). Thank you for remembering Ron.
    William E. Shea, Major, U.S. Army, Retired

    20 Sep 2002
    From: Joe Belmont
    Thanks for telling me abut the reunion. I was QM3, later made Second. Got recalled for the Korean War and put the Sabalo back in commission and then left her for the Irex. Hope to see you all in Reno. Living here in Idaho it will be a easy (relatively) drive to Reno.

    22 Aug 2002
    From: Jeff Stockton
    Don't remember Shaw. He was probably after I left to go to school @ Univ. of Wash. I was on board from 9/57-9/59. And, yes, I sure remember "guitarist-extraordinaire" Keenis Fugate. He was TM2 when I was TM3. He was in aft torpedo room; I was in fwd. Send me latest info. I have no idea if I'll actually be able to make a reunion. I'm trying to go to my 45th high school one this Sept 13th. I'll see how I fare through that. I had two strokes last April/May, though seem to be recovering pretty well. I just wear out quickly and totally crash after two glasses of wine. Any way, let's see hoe it goes. Jeff
    17 Aug 2002  From: Golladay Denny.

    I noticed Alley, Perry EN1 (SS). On your roster. He was on Tiru with me. Would like to know his whereabouts, address, etc., hope he and his family is well.

    Alley and I were not just shipmates, but friends as well. We hit the beach together and even used to kickbox in the forward engine room. I am a little, short guy. Alley is a large man; Has a (EN) gear tattooed on the top of his head; An eyeball, on the back of his neck; Several other tattoos that would take too long to explain.

    12 Aug 2002
    After being wounded during my second tour flying helicopter gunships in South Vietnam I was sent to the U.S. Naval Hospital in San Diego. I shared a
    room in Bldg. 26 with a LT. (Mike?) Donovan, who was assigned to the Sabalo. He was having a bad kidney removed and we spent a lot of time shooting the
    breeze about our jobs in the military. I was a 22 year-old CWO-2 U.S. Army Aviator and Mr. Donovan was a diesel boat Submariner and we both thought
    each other was a little nuts. After the doctors removed his kidney he was up on crutches in a day or so (though at first he walked with a pronounced
    list!) He couldn't wait to get back on duty. As soon as I was able to get around on cruthces, we used to sneak down to the "slop chute" at night for
    some unauthorized some pizza and beer. The Corpsmen were on to us, but they never told the night nurses, who were a bit too "Navy" to suit me. Mr.
    Donovan even invited me to go along as a guest on a short training "cruise" in the Sabalo, but my doctor wouldn't okay it. I've always regretted not
    getting to go out on a diesel boat. It would have been the "high" point of my Army career! Mr. Donovan was a really nice guy and I've always wondered
    if he was able to get back on duty and finish his career in the Navy.

    P.S. 13 Aug 2002 -
    I was wounded in August and got to Balboa in mid-September. Mr. Donovan was trying to get returned to duty on the Sabalo and I'm pretty sure that's what he did.

    Tillman L. Jeffrey
    1716 Northgate Avenue
    Manteca, CA 95336

    335th Assault Helicopter Company 1967-68
    "C" Battery, 2nd Battalion, 20th Artillery Regiment (ARA) 1969


    [My memory is that Lt Donovan came aboard about Sep 68 just before WesPac deployment and was there when I left in Aug 69. The dates of your hospitalization are not mentioned, but I assume it must have been shortly after. ---Can anyone answer Tillman's question? --Jeff O.]
    I never met Donovan as far as I can recall.  Although at this point I don't remember who it was that I relieved. I reported aboard Sabalo in early 1970, in time to make her last Westpac cruise.  I was third officer for the cruiseand fleeted up to XO for the decommissioning phase after the CO Al Andrade was transferred off and the XO was made CO for the decomm phase.
    Will try to make the reunion this fall if possible as I now reside in Las Vegas.
    Dennis Costarakis (Navigator)
    Jeff- Army chains-of-command are similar: C.O., X.O., S-3 (Operations,) etc. Being a Warrant Officer I was "out of the command loop," except when flying. I was an aircraft commander and a fire team leader, which meant that I was in command of two or three ship fire teams. At one point, my platoon leader ( a Captain (Navy Lieutenant) was MY co-pilot and I ran the show on fire missions. Back on the ground, he made the crew assignments and called the shots. It was the kind of situation that made for some funny situations, especially when you got your OER! Getting wounded in Vietnam wasn't much fun, but I sure enjoyed being in the "Navy" during the six months I spent at Balboa. I met some great people, ate some superb chow, and learned about decks, bulkheads, overheads, etc. After I left the Army and finished college, I got back into flying helicopters and worked on a 230' tuna seiner out of San Diego, Panama, Guam, and American Samoa spotting fish. I ended up with 8,000 hours flying over water, over 5,000 landings on the ship, and over six years of actual sea time. I even stood deck and engine room watches For an Army puke, I guess that almost makes me a sailor! I'll bookmark your site and visit every so often. I'm active with several Army veteran's groups and it'll be nice visiting with you diesel boat guys!
    Smooth Sailing! Tillman

    16 Jul 2002
    From: Becker, Robert
    YES , I ended up being the lead Elect. EM2(SS)on the decom team .My wife made thanksgiving dinner '70 on the boat for the duty section. Those were the days - we used to muster in by phone.  I was very close for a long time to Dean Zobrist QM, (partially responsible for the extra combat pay on the last West Pac )!!. I stayed in the reserve and retired in 1988 (while I was working for Electric Boat building submarines). I am now a facilities engineer for Salomon in N. Y. I have lived in Hazlet, N. J. for the past 18yrs.Thanks for the site, I am enjoying it.

    29 Jun 2002 Hi Jeff:

    I don't know if you remember me.  I served with you on the Sabalo from January 1968 through June 1969.  I was a young reservist, right out of high school, and quite ignorant.  The records show me as W. P. Lary; however, you and most of the crew called me Guinea.  My middle name is Peter and I am in the San Diego County phone book as Peter Lary, in Del Mar, California.

    I was a Fireman while onboard and became designated in September 1968.  I started out as a mess-cook, then went to lookout watch before going to the Main Power Electrical Gang.  In 1968-69, President Johnson had a budget cut and all reservists with at least 12 months of service were returned to inactive duty status.  Therefore, upon returning from Wes-Pac in June of 1969, I and several other reservists on board were sent home.    

    I can't tell you how much I appreciate the work that you and the others have done with the Sabalo website.  The stories, comments and pictures from past crew members bring back such fond memories.  At the time I thought those were such terrible times.  However, after over 30 years, I now recall more of the good times and realize what an incredible adventure it was to experience.  

    Thanks again,  Peter Lary

    22 June 2002  Jeff:  Sad to report that Gil Wendling, QMC(SS) passed away on June 1, 2002. He rode the SS302 in 1952-53 and was my mentor.  Bob Bartsch

    From: Pivo Kotrla
    Date: 13 May 2002

    Good to see a site for the Sabalo, thanks for the effort to get it up and running.

    Wish my memory were better about dates and times I served where.  The names that are already there gives me a clue, I remember Don Eppinette, and Billy Don Napper, Jerry Nelson, also Dale Jung, and Otto Husak.  So I must have served during the dates they were on the Sabalo, (60-63). Sometime in that area anyway.

    Correction to my's Kotrla, not Kotria. I was an EM, but can't remember what rate.  Must have been EM3, or EM2, and of course qualified.

    If more comes back to me, I'll let you know.

    Thanks again for the site,  Pivo

    From: Robert Bell
    Date: 12 May 2002
    I have had no direct contact with Larry Savadkin since I left Sabalo. A few years back our home burned and my entire library was destroyed.
    Some friends of mine contacted Admiral O'Kane who lived in Sebastopol, not far from Santa Rosa, to see if he had a copy of his book, "Clear the Bridge" , to start a new library. I was surprised and grateful when he gave his copy with the signatures of the survivors of Tang. Larry's
    name was missing. The Admiral told me that Larry had been invited to the reunion but did not show up. I have a tape that I purchased from the
    History Channel entitled "Submarines. The Silent Service" , in which Larry appears recounting his escape from Tang.
    I have most of the material assembled and plan to send it to you within the week. Unfortunately, so many of my Sabalo items were destroyed in the fire.

    From: Eugene Merrill
    Date: 26 Feb 2002
    Hello Jeff,,   
      My name is E.A. (Spooks) Merrill , I was on SABALO late mid 59--late 60,, Just made a though visit of your Sabalo site and recognized many names and pictures ,, Sure brings back memories of days gone by, Sabalo was a good boat,  I will attend the Duluth convention with my wife Mieko and Dog Duke, We're staying at the DECC RV Park. Hope to meet you there,, Keep up the good work, you certainly rate a hearty WELL DONE  See Ya TMCM(SS) Ret. Spooks Merrill

    From: Martin Huska
    Date: 23 Feb 2002
    Yes I was living in Villa Park but I moved to Zion, Il  for a couple of reasons. I retired from elect. const. I took a job at the navy base teaching electricity, and my boat is in North Point Marina which is at the Ill. Wisc state line. Then I had a small stroke so I'm three times retired. More later ,               Marty

    From: Joe Hess
    Date: 22 Feb 2002
    Hi Jeff - I was only on the boat for a short time - as I recall August 1970 until decommissioning in early 1971. From there I went on to the Baya, where I qualified. I keep up with Rick Searles, who was another officer on board when I was there. Sabalo was a good ship - she had a good engineering plant, and not many problems. If I can find some photos, I'll send them in.
    From: Harry Day
    Date: 22 Feb 2002

    Hello Jeff,

    Thanks for the web site and the quick response.

    I left the boat January, 1967 when it was in drydock at Hunters Point in San Francisco. They had all of the tank tops off, both batterys pulled, all
    four Fairbanks-Morse engines/generators on rail cars in the hangar, and both motors pulled. After that major overhaul, I'm surprised that they used her
    for target practice only six years later. Oh well, progress has occurred since then, hasn't it?

    I recognized Bramshee and Debick on the list of names.

    Bramshee was a tall, quiet, Blondheaded kid. (I guess we were all kids back then, huh?) Debick was the supply clerk. Everyone was always asking him to
    get them something. When we were in drydock, everyone wanted one of the leather Aviator jackets. He became a very popular guy, needless to say.

    Two officers I remember were Lt(JG) Schneider and Ensign Peters. Mr.Peters was a NESEP Graduate that came up through the ranks Mr. Snyder was probably one of the best leaders on the boat. Darn Good Officer!!

    Will leave you with that. Really nice to go back and remember past times in your life. Thanks for the chance to stroll down memory lane!!

    Best Regards,

    Harry Day
    Chevron Energy Solutions LP
    3255 March Lane, Suite 320
    Stockton, CA 95219-2304
    PH: 209 954 4011
    email: dayh

    From: Rick Wiggenhorn
    Date: 23 Jan 2002

    I was YN 3rd, 68-69 and was on board with you.
    Got the web site from John Buchanan today and have enjoyed it.  Thanks for all your work.

    Billy Schwartz 
    was with us, is now a pastor.  I will send him a copy of this too.  I  have my old qualification sign off book in the garage.  I read your story about the engine and I remember it well.  I was the battle station helmsman for CO Wood when we did the WesPac.  I live in Claremont California and you can add me to the crews list